Sunday, October 27, 2013

Harry Potter series

So a lot of people have heard of the series based upon a wizard named Harry Potter there are seven books in the series. This is a series that is made by author J.K. Rowling and consists of the books Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (fun fact: the first book is actually called Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, but the United States thought that since it said philosopher in the title that no kid would want to read it, so they changed the name), Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, and the last book Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.
These are known to be one of the best series ever and also the book that brought up the most controversy as to whether to allow it in schools or not. The reason behind this is because the Harry Potter series is based upon witchcraft and some schools and families thought that it portrayed bad witchcraft and was inspiring children to become involved in witchcraft. While this series obviously talks about wizards it’s more of just a fun story that is interesting to read.
I know of a lot of people that have read the Harry Potter series and absolutely loved them, I honestly don’t know one person that has read the books and not enjoyed the series. The books are written incredibly and it’s such an interesting story and easy to follow what’s happening in the story. The series I think has to be the best children book series of all time (though teenagers like me enjoy the series very much as well.) It’s hard to not fall in love with the characters and what’s happen with all the people like Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Neville.
I think that these books were amazing and give people more imagination as how life would be different if we were wizards instead of muggles. My favorite of the series was the Deathly Hallows because they were the best written and had the most detail in them; I actually re-read that book again and realized how much detail I had missed the first time because there is just so much in the book that it’s easy to miss something.

The Harry Potter series is definitely worth reading, not only do kids love the books, but so do adults and teenagers. I know that some people think that since it talks about witchcraft that it’s promoting it, but in my own personal opinion that’s complete rubbish. It’s like an adventure or fantasy book, why hate on this series when there are far worse books than something merely talking about the idea of witchcraft? Well, anyway back to my point the series is phenomenal and people should definitely read them. 

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