Thursday, December 19, 2013

Pride and Prejudice

            One of the classic books is called Pride and Prejudice and is by Jane Austen. It’s a pretty sophisticated book, they talk very formally in it. There are also a few movies and shows that are based upon the book, I watched the newest movie of Pride and Prejudice and enjoyed it.
            Pride and Prejudice at first was really annoying to me because the talking in a formal way, because while reading the book I had this weird voice for the characters…Anyway, at the beginning I didn’t like it, I only really read it to get my pages read for my class. After about 100 pages, I began to actually enjoy the book. It’s kind of a slow book at first, but once you get to the part about Mr. Collins asking Elizabeth to marry him, it speeds up from there. I thought it was really weird that he was asking his cousin to marry him, but then I realized this book was made to represent the past when things were different and it was socially acceptable to marry your cousin.
            I’ve heard people talk about the book as being one of the most romantic books ever, and really it doesn’t get all gooey and romantic till the end of the book in my opinion. Anyway, the book is actually worth reading, and you’ll find out when reading it that you kind of have to force yourself to read the first third of the book before it gets a little bit interesting.
            Pride and Prejudice is one of those books that besides being a romantic book, it’s really all about judging people. Elizabeth judges Mr. Darcy based on what people said about him, or how he acted before she got to know him. She also does the same with Mr. Wickham she judges him based upon his charm and didn’t see through the lies of his deception. But I think the main meaning to this book is not to judge people, not be prejudice against someone, as well as the first part of the book there’s a thin line between cocky and having pride.
            Now onto the movie I watched. I really liked the movie, though the clothes and how they talked so formally kind of irritated me, but once you get past that it was a really cute movie. I think that the characters of Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth had a good actor and actress for their role in the movie. I didn’t watch the older version of Pride and Prejudice, so when I’m talking about this movie I am referring to the newest version of it (which I think is like 2001 or something.)

I definitely suggest reading the book and then watching the movie because it puts everything together once you have compared the two and realize how cute the story is. I think that only girls would enjoy this book, really of any age in my opinion, but most definitely only girls and not to guys. 

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