Sunday, January 26, 2014

The Fast and the Furious

The Fast and the Furious movies have been coming out since 2001 and now there is a total of six movies already out. The Fast and the Furious are some of my favorite movies because it includes a ton of action and has very interesting characters in the movies.
Out of all of the movies I didn’t really like Tokyo Drift because it was more of a movie that didn’t tie up with the first two movies (which later does tie up into the later series), but still it really bothered me and I was sad that characters O’Conner and Toretto weren’t in it at all (expect for the very ending, but shouldn’t even count.) So basically if you want to watch the series I suggest watching this movie after the 6th one, it will make a lot more sense.
I think out of all the movies my favorite was the 6th Fast and the Furious just because they had so much action going on, and at the beginning of the movie they had a very catchy song that summarized what had happened in the other movies. Though, this movie might annoy some people because it has less racing in it and that’s a lot of what the Fast and the Furious movies are about.
One suggestion to anyone who hasn’t watched the series and plans on doing so, watch the credits because usually they have something that is important for the next movie on it the credits. But other than that I think that definitely guys that love drag racing, cars, and action will love this series. Though girls might not as much (totally not trying to discriminate), but it’s definitely a fun and interesting series.
The actors and actresses in the movie are really good actors and actresses too. One of them being Vin Diesel who usually is in a lot of action or war movies I’ve noticed and is in one of my all-time favorite movies called the Pacifier. The other actor that I like is Dwayne Johnson and there are so many movies that he’s in that I like (two of the m being Disney movies I believe) that it’s interesting to watch movies he’s in. The other actor that I liked especially in these movies was Paul Walker; he made the whole series interesting, though he has passed, I think the movies will not be the same without him if they decide to make the 7th movie. Basically, I found the whole cast funny and they did a good job in their roles.
So if you’re bored and happen to have about three hours to spare watch the first movie if you haven’t done so, it’s interesting and has a lot of action and racing in it. Just my suggestion to watch it, because I really liked the whole series. 

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