Saturday, September 28, 2013

Children Books

            The first chapter book I ever read was the Boxcar Children by: Gertrude Chandler Warner. I think that for a child this is a pretty good learning book to go off of. I barely remember what the story is about now, but I remember how proud I was when I finished my first ever chapter book.
The author originally had 19 Boxcar Children books in the series, but others continued to write more of these books, so now the stories are up to 135 books in total. All of these books are mysteries and tell of some unknown that the children have to figure out. Not only were there these books that I read when I was little, but other books and stories I like too.
            Because of Winn-Dixie is another classic book that children should read and that I loved when I was in elementary school, I read it because who doesn’t love a story about a dog? I actually did a project all about this book by Kate DiCamillo and think that it’s an inspiring story that children would really enjoy. I think overall I read Because of Winn-Dixie six times because I loved books about animals and I think that a lot of other children like to read about animals too, so even though this book is from when I was in elementary school I think it’s a really cute book that kid’s love.
            Not only is this a book, it’s also a movie! I admit to watching this movie several times...Even though the movie came out in 2005, I still like to watch it to remind me of what movies and books I used to like. Part of the reason that I love the movie so much I like the actress Anna Sophia Robb who is in other movies I enjoy like Bridge to Terabithia, Jumper, Soul Surfer, Race to Witch Mountain, and the Way Way Back; so overall I like a lot of the movies she’s in besides Because of Winn-Dixie. Anna Sophia Robb is also in a show I started to watch the Carrie Diaries, so of course I love her all the more.

            Overall Anna Sophia Robb is a great actress, which is why children should watch the movie Because of Winn-Dixie and read the book because it’s a fun story. Also the Boxcar Children are interesting mystery books that get kids hooked into reading.

The Notebook

                The Notebook by: Nicholas Sparks is an all time favorite read and movie for many teenagers and young-adults because it’s an inspiring movie and book. When I read this book I loved how Noah and Allie had this close bond with each other even after all the years that had passed. I for one loved the novel, and I continued to read other Nicholas Sparks novels because I loved the Notebook so much.
             “The best love is the kind that awakens the soul and makes us reach for more, that plants a fire in our hearts and brings peace to our minds, and that's what you've given me. That's what I hope to give to you forever. I love you.
            My opinion on this quote is that it is one of the most romantic letters ever, and that if any guy ever sent a letter or in today’s age, sent a text like that a girl would definitely think it’s cute and romantic. I love romantic movies and romance novels and I’m a totally sappy for romance because of the fantasy in them. I wish that stuff like that happens in everyday life, so I watch romance movies and read romantics books.
            Now normally I say there is some deeper meaning to quotes and what not, but this quote says it all basically, so it’s a bit hard for me to elaborate on it. I decided to put this quote on my blog because my blog is about books and movies and every blog needs at least one gooey romantic quote that makes girls swoon and gush out.
            The quote in the second paragraph isn’t the only cute quote from the Notebook there are several others that I like, but that is most definitely my favorite because in the novel Noah keeps sending Allie all these letters, not giving up on his romance with her; which is really adorable. The next quote in this book/movie that I like is:
I love you. I am who I am because of you. You are every reason, every hope, and every dream I've ever had, and no matter what happens to us in the future, every day we are together is the greatest day of my life. I will always be yours.
Again I just thought that was a really cute quote and think that if people love romantic movies or novels it is definitely worth it to watch or read the Notebook because of Nicholas Sparks talent in creating romance novels and of the director Nick Cassavetes for doing a fabulous job with the movie. 

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Book Quote #1

            Great quotes in books is one of my favorite things about reading because some quotes are just downright hilarious and others have deeper meaning to them; where people have to uncover all the stuff everyone already knows and get to the middle of the creamed donut. Sometimes while reading I stop what where I’m reading and just re-read a meaningful or hilarious quote until I fully understand its full potential and why it’s meaningful or funny.

            My favorite quotes from books are the ones that have deeper meaning and are humorous at the same time. An example of one of my favorite quotes is in the next paragraph.

“People are stupid; given proper motivation, almost anyone will believe almost anything. Because people are stupid, they will believe a lie because they want to believe it's true, or because they are afraid it might be true. People’s heads are full of knowledge, facts, and beliefs, and most of it is false, yet they think it all true. People are stupid; they can only rarely tell the difference between a lie and the truth, and yet they are confident they can, and so are all the easier to fool.”

This is my first favorite quote from the book Wizard’s First Rule by: Terry Goodkind it is the first book in the series called the Sword of Truth. I really enjoy this quote and when anyone asks me my favorite quote I instantly tell them about the above quote. The reason I love this quote is because first the author, Terry Goodkind, is a great writer, second this is my favorite book, and lastly because this is a humorous quote that is exceptionally true. When thinking about the quote some people might say that it’s extremely rude to say that people are stupid, but if people really think about it, everyone is stupid; people still have a lot to learn and life and it’s impossible that they will learn everything before they die.

I also just think that the last part of the quote is true as well because sometimes we convince ourselves that something is true because we don’t want to know the alternative so we accept their lie as the truth. Another thing about the quote is that people do believe they can tell when others are lying, but that’s certainly not the case because scientists say by just observing someone it’s not always possible to tell when they are lying or telling the truth, yeah some people make it more easier than others when they are lying, but some people are ‘good’ liars, so I think when Terry Goodkind says in the book about how people’s heads are filled with knowledge, but that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s the truth.

This quote wasn’t just saying that people are stupid, yes it did say it about three times that people are stupid, but it has deeper meaning then people being stupid. It is one of the rules in life, not everyone will know everything and even if they did that doesn’t make them smarter or even what they know true; what makes people smart is being able to decipher what people say and the meanings behind everything else. That is why I love this quote by Terry Goodkind.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

What Makes Up a Good Movie?

                What makes up a good movie? Okay, to get started this is even harder to say then what makes up a good book because people differ so much with movies. There are people who either enjoy horror, comedy, romantic, drama, sci fi, thriller, action and so many other genres of movies.  But what does make up a ‘good’ movie would be great to find out.
                Now I don’t think I’m the only one that is came up with this dilemma: I’m searching for a movie to watch because it’s a Saturday night and I just feel like watching a movie, but I don’t know what to watch! I scroll through all the movies on Netflix and read all the descriptions and watch all these trailers and I have no idea what to watch. When I finally pick a movie and watch it all the way through it ends up sucking, so how can I know what will be a good movie or a sucky movie?
                What’s really important to do when trying to find a good movie to watch is to first search in the genre that you want to watch; just picking that excludes millions of movies just for picking a genre. Next thing to do is find a description of the movie and find one that interests you.  After you decide you like a certain movie and are just about to watch it don’t, instead look up reviews of the movie and the ratings of it because most likely if someone absolutely hated the movie then you might not enjoy it either, though that’s not always the case, people relate to other people in some ways and if a movie sucks it sucks to most people.
                So what is considered this good movie? I think that overall it’s all based upon opinion as to what kind of person is watching. But what makes up a good movie is a good story that is easy to follow, spectacular images, and astonishing actors and actresses in the movie. Normally another thing that makes up a good movie is having the movie following the book, most movies are based upon books and people enjoy the movie more if it actually follows the book. I mean who would like the Harry Potter movies if it didn’t follow the books? My guess is probably not a lot of people, so it’s important in a movie to follow the book, so when trying to find a good movie try to find one that follow s the book well. And overall in my opinion the best movies are based upon books. 

What Makes Up a Good Book?

                What makes a good book? I've read many books with all different genres and vocabulary, so many people ask what makes up a good book. I believe that it’s all based upon opinion as to whether the book is ‘good’ or not.  Most people though enjoy books that they can relate to, somehow or someway.
                Most people also enjoy reading fantasy books because they wish for that to be true. Romantic books are one of the main books that people read to feel good about life. Basically, people read romantic books to get the adrenaline rush of the feeling of two people coming together and trying to make it all work out. I for one used to love romantic books to get the feeling that feeling, though I haven’t read many romantic books as of lately I do think that what makes up a good romantic novel is dreams, love, happiness, forgiveness, understanding, and compassion for one another.
                So back to what I was saying before in paragraph 1, what does make up a good book? In my opinion a good book is a story that has a well-established plot, characters we can relate to, incredible vocabulary, and a story that interest us. I’ve read a couple of books that I think we’re just so bad that I don’t know why  I continued to read; maybe hoping it would get better, well I figured out that normally if the first 100 pages suck of a book then usually the rest of the book will suck as well.
                Why do I think that relation to the readers is what makes up a good book? I think that when people have someone they can relate to they enjoy the book more because they are thinking of themselves as the character. I especially love reading a book where there is a situation that I feel I have confronted before because I feel like I’m not some weird person for having had that situation happen to me.  
                To counter what I just said in the former paragraph, people also love the complete opposite of relation with the story. Sometimes we don’t want to be ourselves for a time, which is why some people read, so they can escape reality. Us as people enjoy reading about other people’s struggles and mistakes so we feel better about our mishaps in life.

                So overall I guess there isn't really such thing as a ‘good’ book it’s all a matter of perspective and opinion.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

The Best Romantic Movie Ever

The best movie ever in my opinion is How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days. This is my favorite movie because I love the actor in the movie, Matthew McConaughey, he is funny and charming in the movie and really fits the character Ben Barry very well. The character Benjamin Barry is in advertisement. The other main role in this movie is actress, Kate Hudson who plays the role of Annie Anderson ‘how to girl’ for Composure magazine, as they quote her in the movie.

 Basically, this movie is all about how Benjamin Barry tries to get a girl to fall in love with him in 10 days to win a bet; while Annie Anderson tries to lose a guy in 10 days doing everything possible to annoy him to write an article for the magazine. That’s what the whole movie is about overall, that’s why it’s my favorite movie. I recommend this movie to any girls who are looking for a romantic/funny movie.

My favorite part in the movie is at the very end of the movie when Annie and Benjamin are at the advertisement party which the theme is “frost yourself” which becomes the slogan of the DeLour Company in the movie. The party the ladies are able to wear any jewelry that they want, but just have to return it at the end. I enjoy this part of the movie because this is when Annie finds out that Ben was just using her as a bet to get further in his business; and Ben finds out that Annie used him for an article of how to lose a guy, and that she had a journal where she wrote about everything that had happened between them. The next part in the movie after they figure out what happened just makes me laugh all the time because they start singing You’re So Vain to each other.

How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days came out in theaters in 2003 and was based upon a short cartoon book by Michele Alexander and Jeannie Long. The director of this movie is Donald Petrie, and I’m very thankful that he directed this movie. I’ve seen this movie over 50 times and about quote the whole movie some of my favorite quotes in the movie are:

 “Look, just give me back the necklace, then you guys can go on and kill each other.” The Delauer security guard said to Annie and Ben as they were yelling at each other in the movie.

“You can't lose something you never had.” That is probably my most favorite quote in the movie because I feel like a ton of people can relate to it. A lot of people get into relationship and get all emotional even though they really didn’t have the person in the first place.

Overall, I love the movie How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days and think that it’s a great movie for ladies to make their husband, fiancĂ©, or boyfriend’s to watch with them. Though, like I said at the beginning it’s a romantic movie, but it has an extensive amount of humor that all people will enjoy.