Sunday, December 15, 2013

Cirque Du Freak Series

            Cirque Du Freak is one of the most interesting book series ever. Yes, it has to do with vampires, but it was popular before Twilight was popular…Just saying. So I wouldn’t judge all vampire books just because of Twilight or other love story vampire series.
            So Cirque Du Freak is a series that contains 12 books with each book only being about 200 pages each; which is what like 2,400 pages total? Not that big of a read, so is definitely a series to get into. I started reading these books in like 6th grade, but people in high school can still enjoy them too. Like my brother read the books as well, and I started rereading the books in high school, but then just got too busy and gave up on that. But my guess is that from about age 10 to 20 is the ideal ages in which to read this series. I’m saying this because it’s pretty simple to understand what’s going on and isn’t too much of a hard read which might just drive some people insane, but I think it’s a well-written series with a great story behind it, and a lot of action.
            The series is made by Darren Shan, which I believe he has some longer name that I am unable to pronounce. Is series is just a really good read, and I recommend it definitely to middle schoolers and just for people who don’t like too much of a hard read. This series is filled with action, fighting, adventure, and even some humor in parts (not much because Mr. Crepsley is very serious.) I enjoyed these books very much in middle school.
            Basically, the story is all about how Darren Shan took a spider from Mr. Crepsley when him and his friend Steve went to the Cirque Du Freak (which is just a circus of ‘freaks’) and it bit his friend Steve, and Darren was forced to become the Vampire’s Assistant by getting turned into a half vampire. That’s just quick synapses of the first book, I won’t go into the other books, and you’ll just have to read the series to figure out what I mean by this being an awesome series.

            The characters in the book are fun to read about and the series as a whole works very well together. Another thing is the series wouldn’t even take that long to read, the words on the pages are not super small and the vocabulary is easy to understand, so my guess it if reading the series non-stop it’d take about two hours for each book totaling only a day’s worth of reading, or two at most. So I recommend this series highly, it is and will be one of my all time favorite series. 

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