Saturday, November 2, 2013

Now You See Me

            So one of the coolest movies I've ever seen is called Now You See Me. This movie came out in about May of 2013. Many people saw it and just about everyone thought it was a really good movie. I thought it was an amazing movie, and would never have dreamed that I would like a movie having to do with magic.
            The movie Now You See Me centers around four magicians that do outstanding tricks on stage. The whole movie is literally just really cool and interesting. Magic is interesting and people always want to know how people do it because humans are just curious and love to know answers instead of being left in wonder. The thing that made me like this movie so much was just the plot, everything made sense and didn’t seem like the directors were leaving an important detail out. The whole story just went with everything, I wasn’t confused the slightest bit during the movie which is probably one reason I liked it so much.
            Another reason I liked Now You See Me is because I love movies about magicians; considering there really isn’t that many magician movies, this movie definitely appealed to me. The movie just centers on the detectives trying to find out what they are all going to do next and anticipate the magicians’ next moves. It’s sort of a funny movie in my opinion because the magicians’ just joke around with the detectives and play around with them, and also the tricks are awesome. Even if magic isn’t real this movie was a fun movie to see.
            My favorite part in the movie is the very end when Thaddeus Bradley, played by Morgan Freeman, is in the cell and he says to the detective Dylan Rhodes, played by Mark Ruffalo, that he knows exactly how they managed to do this trick and tells him why and then Dylan disappears and reappears out of the cell, I thought that was just so cool. Also I liked the actor Dave Franco because he was in the last season of one of my favorite shows, Scrubs. The other two guy magicians were pretty entertaining as well, played by Jesse Eisenberg and Woody Harrelson the tension between them kept the movie interesting and at ease.

            Overall, the movie was fun and interesting to see, I really enjoyed the cast. I also thought that the movie was so unique and interesting that if you haven’t yet seen this movie, it is definitely worth seeing it. 

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